
Weather in Malta

15.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York




Technical Notices (?)


Technical Notices (?)

No. Message Number and Contents Date Status
BWM.01 Ballast Water Exchange in the North Sea 31/07/15
BWM.02 Ballast Water Management Plan Contingency Measures 07/08/19
BWM.3 09/11/20
DSC.01 Dynamically Supported Craft – General requirements for lifejackets 06/12/12
HSC.01 International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000 – Evacuation Demonstration 06/12/12
IRO.01 Change of Flag Procedures 06/12/12
IRO.02 Harmonised System of Survey and Certification – SOLAS Certification for Cargo Ships 06/12/12
IRO.03 Cargo Gear Surveys 06/12/12
IRO.04 Attendance during Surveys, Audits and Verifications held in Malta 20/08/13 Rev 1
IRO.05 Authorisation for ISM Certification 06/12/12

MSD Notices Archive