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17.3°C few clouds

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New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

17.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Malta's Proposal on Ship Breaking Adopted by the EU

09 / 11 / 06

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Malta’s strong position at the European Union over ship breaking was recognized after the Finnish Presidency accepted Malta’s proposal, thus ensuring a level playing field between EU and non EU countries.


The original EU stance suggested by the Finnish Presidency would have made EU Ship breaking rules more tough than those of third world country registers.


Malta opposed this issue, as it would generate discrimination between Ship Registers within the EU and those outside the EU, resulting in the deletion of vessels from EU Registers.  This proposal would be better discussed within IMO (International Maritime Organisation) thus the effect would be binding on all countries.


The minister responsible for the environment was quoted as saying that the fact that Malta’s argument was finally recognized shows that every country, even a small country, can have its say.


Malta's Proposal on Ship Breaking Adopted by the EU

09 / 11 / 06

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Malta’s strong position at the European Union over ship breaking was recognized after the Finnish Presidency accepted Malta’s proposal, thus ensuring a level playing field between EU and non EU countries.


The original EU stance suggested by the Finnish Presidency would have made EU Ship breaking rules more tough than those of third world country registers.


Malta opposed this issue, as it would generate discrimination between Ship Registers within the EU and those outside the EU, resulting in the deletion of vessels from EU Registers.  This proposal would be better discussed within IMO (International Maritime Organisation) thus the effect would be binding on all countries.


The minister responsible for the environment was quoted as saying that the fact that Malta’s argument was finally recognized shows that every country, even a small country, can have its say.