
Weather in Malta

23.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

23.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Update: Sinking Ship being Towed to Malta

02 / 12 / 08

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The “Ramla Bay”, a Maltese tug boat, is towing the “Maystar” to Malta after she was in danger of sinking yesterday afternoon.  The harbour Master is assessing the condition of the vessel before vessel’s arrival in Malta and it was reported that last night the tug managed to tow the ship for 10 miles.

Meanwhile, 11 crew members of Indian nationality are expected to be on their way home via Dubai today following arrangements made by the India’s consul to Malta, Mr Yohan Cuschieri.  The rest of the five crew members are Bangladeshi.

If arrangements fail, they would be hosted in a hotel until all the necessary repatriation arrangements were successful. All expenses are being borne by the consulate and the government of India. 

Reliable sources said that the ship’s agents in Malta reportedly refused to take responsibility for the crew, and, in a spirit of solidarity, the soldiers of the Maritime Squadron collected blankets and provided food and quarters for the crew at the maritime base. Mr Cuschieri thanked the Armed Forces of Malta for saving the crew and hosting them last night.

Update: Sinking Ship being Towed to Malta

02 / 12 / 08

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The “Ramla Bay”, a Maltese tug boat, is towing the “Maystar” to Malta after she was in danger of sinking yesterday afternoon.  The harbour Master is assessing the condition of the vessel before vessel’s arrival in Malta and it was reported that last night the tug managed to tow the ship for 10 miles.

Meanwhile, 11 crew members of Indian nationality are expected to be on their way home via Dubai today following arrangements made by the India’s consul to Malta, Mr Yohan Cuschieri.  The rest of the five crew members are Bangladeshi.

If arrangements fail, they would be hosted in a hotel until all the necessary repatriation arrangements were successful. All expenses are being borne by the consulate and the government of India. 

Reliable sources said that the ship’s agents in Malta reportedly refused to take responsibility for the crew, and, in a spirit of solidarity, the soldiers of the Maritime Squadron collected blankets and provided food and quarters for the crew at the maritime base. Mr Cuschieri thanked the Armed Forces of Malta for saving the crew and hosting them last night.