
Weather in Malta

18.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

18.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

MV Arctic Sea Saga Continues

17 / 08 / 09

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A $1.5 million ransom has been demanded as investigations continue in the hijacking of the Maltese registered vessel. The Arctic Sea which was carrying $1 million worth of sawn timber from Finland, was due to arrive in Algeria on August 4 but it failed to reach the port of Bejaia. Our sources confirmed that Malta has joined forces with the Swedish and Finnish Authorities to investigate the alleged hijack and extortion. Despite piracy is common in the East coast of Africa, it is unheard of in the North Sea and Europe. 

MV Arctic Sea Saga Continues

17 / 08 / 09

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A $1.5 million ransom has been demanded as investigations continue in the hijacking of the Maltese registered vessel. The Arctic Sea which was carrying $1 million worth of sawn timber from Finland, was due to arrive in Algeria on August 4 but it failed to reach the port of Bejaia. Our sources confirmed that Malta has joined forces with the Swedish and Finnish Authorities to investigate the alleged hijack and extortion. Despite piracy is common in the East coast of Africa, it is unheard of in the North Sea and Europe.