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21.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

21.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

MV Arctic Sea May Have Suspect Cargo

27 / 08 / 09

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The Arctic Sea mysterious hijacking case is set to continue. This case was characterised with rumours of a suspected cargo aboard the vessel. However, despite these rumours have been initially categorically denied, Russian officials admitted yesterday that the vessel might have been carrying suspicious cargo. According to our sources the crew is still being detained to clarify this unprecedented incident in European waters and Russian investigators are looking into the possibility of a connection between members of the crew and the hijackers.

The Arctic Sea was hijacked in Swedish waters as she was carrying timber from Finland to Algeria. The vessel failed to reach the port and the Russian Navy was immediately dispatched to search for the vessel. After locating the ship off the coast of Cape Verde Islands, the Russian Navy detained eight persons suspected of being involved in the hijacking of the vessel. 

MV Arctic Sea May Have Suspect Cargo

27 / 08 / 09

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The Arctic Sea mysterious hijacking case is set to continue. This case was characterised with rumours of a suspected cargo aboard the vessel. However, despite these rumours have been initially categorically denied, Russian officials admitted yesterday that the vessel might have been carrying suspicious cargo. According to our sources the crew is still being detained to clarify this unprecedented incident in European waters and Russian investigators are looking into the possibility of a connection between members of the crew and the hijackers.

The Arctic Sea was hijacked in Swedish waters as she was carrying timber from Finland to Algeria. The vessel failed to reach the port and the Russian Navy was immediately dispatched to search for the vessel. After locating the ship off the coast of Cape Verde Islands, the Russian Navy detained eight persons suspected of being involved in the hijacking of the vessel.