
Weather in Malta

16.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

16.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

MV Arctic Sea to Dock in Malta Next Week

24 / 10 / 09

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The Maltese flagged vessel Arctic Sea is expected in Malta next week. However, questions as to why the vessel was coming to Malta remained unanswered. Currently the ship is being towed to Malta, accompanied by Russian Naval Ships. Negotiations regarding the hand over of the vessel between the parties concerned will take place with the Maltese authorities once the ship reaches the Grand Harbour.

The vessel was carrying timber from Finland to Algeria when she was hijacked off the Swedish coast at the end of July and was located off the Cape Verde Islands’ coast by the Russian Navy. The hijackers were arrested and were charged with piracy and kidnap in Russia. 

While rumors spread that the ship was carrying missiles to Iran; Russian authorities were quick to deny the allegations and stated that the investigations found only the official cargo.

MV Arctic Sea to Dock in Malta Next Week

24 / 10 / 09

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The Maltese flagged vessel Arctic Sea is expected in Malta next week. However, questions as to why the vessel was coming to Malta remained unanswered. Currently the ship is being towed to Malta, accompanied by Russian Naval Ships. Negotiations regarding the hand over of the vessel between the parties concerned will take place with the Maltese authorities once the ship reaches the Grand Harbour.

The vessel was carrying timber from Finland to Algeria when she was hijacked off the Swedish coast at the end of July and was located off the Cape Verde Islands’ coast by the Russian Navy. The hijackers were arrested and were charged with piracy and kidnap in Russia. 

While rumors spread that the ship was carrying missiles to Iran; Russian authorities were quick to deny the allegations and stated that the investigations found only the official cargo.