
Weather in Malta

14.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

14.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Pirates attempt to attack another Maltese vessel

27 / 12 / 10

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A distress message was sent from the Maltese vessel MV Sigloo Star to the Cairo based rescue coordination centre after pirates attempted to attack the vessel which was sailing off the Yemeni Coast. The attack was foiled after navy helicopters were sent to the area forcing the pirates to retreat. It is believed that the pirates are using the MV Hannibal 2, which was taken earlier in November, to launch attacks on other vessels. No one is believed to have been injured during this latest incident. Maltese authorities contacted the 22 member crew vessel and she is now sailing to the Indian port of Magdalla. 

Pirates attempt to attack another Maltese vessel

27 / 12 / 10

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A distress message was sent from the Maltese vessel MV Sigloo Star to the Cairo based rescue coordination centre after pirates attempted to attack the vessel which was sailing off the Yemeni Coast. The attack was foiled after navy helicopters were sent to the area forcing the pirates to retreat. It is believed that the pirates are using the MV Hannibal 2, which was taken earlier in November, to launch attacks on other vessels. No one is believed to have been injured during this latest incident. Maltese authorities contacted the 22 member crew vessel and she is now sailing to the Indian port of Magdalla.