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18.3°C clear sky

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Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

18.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

The Largest Drydock in the Mediterranean

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Malta is home to the largest drydock in the Mediterranean. The Red China dock which was built in 1975 by the Chinese government has a capacity of 300,000 tonnes and is more than three times the length of a football pitch.

Dock 6 as it is known locally now forms part of the Palumbo Shipyard, which took over the operations of the previous Malta Drydocks two years ago. In fact the sprawling drydock is a great feet of engineering despite becoming operational four decades ago. The Red China Dock enables Palumbo Shipyard to compete with other international shipyards due to its capacity.

The extensive area of the shipyard, apart from the other five docks, also includes a yacht facility which Palumbo aims to turn into a flagship yacht building facility in the Mediterranean.

The Largest Drydock in the Mediterranean

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Malta is home to the largest drydock in the Mediterranean. The Red China dock which was built in 1975 by the Chinese government has a capacity of 300,000 tonnes and is more than three times the length of a football pitch.

Dock 6 as it is known locally now forms part of the Palumbo Shipyard, which took over the operations of the previous Malta Drydocks two years ago. In fact the sprawling drydock is a great feet of engineering despite becoming operational four decades ago. The Red China Dock enables Palumbo Shipyard to compete with other international shipyards due to its capacity.

The extensive area of the shipyard, apart from the other five docks, also includes a yacht facility which Palumbo aims to turn into a flagship yacht building facility in the Mediterranean.