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20.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

20.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Costa Concordia ran aground off the Island of Giglio

14 / 01 / 12

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The luxury cruise vessel Costa Concordia rann aground off the coast of Island of Giglio in Italy after it had sailed from Civita Vecchia. Confirmed reports suggest that 3 persons are reported dead, others are injured while it is believed that there are some 70 people missing. According to ANSA, the Italian news agnecy,  passengers described the scene similar to the Titanic with people jumping overboard for safety.

The luxury cruise vessel was carrying 4,000 passengers and no Maltese citizens are reportedly to have been onboard. The Costa Concordia operates to the Maltese Grand Harbour during the summer season. 

Costa Concordia ran aground off the Island of Giglio

14 / 01 / 12

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The luxury cruise vessel Costa Concordia rann aground off the coast of Island of Giglio in Italy after it had sailed from Civita Vecchia. Confirmed reports suggest that 3 persons are reported dead, others are injured while it is believed that there are some 70 people missing. According to ANSA, the Italian news agnecy,  passengers described the scene similar to the Titanic with people jumping overboard for safety.

The luxury cruise vessel was carrying 4,000 passengers and no Maltese citizens are reportedly to have been onboard. The Costa Concordia operates to the Maltese Grand Harbour during the summer season.