
Weather in Malta

16.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

16.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Report to strengthen EU Investments in Northern Region

19 / 01 / 18

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A new report by the Arctic Stakeholder Forum calls to strengthen EU Investments in the northernmost region of the world.  The same report was passed on to Commissioner Karmenu Vella, responsible for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in the European Commission, by Finnish Ambassador for Northern Policies Harri Mäki-Reinikka in a meeting in Brussels.  The aim of such investment is to strengthen and improve infrastructure, transport connections, natural resources and sustainable development.

Report to strengthen EU Investments in Northern Region

19 / 01 / 18

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A new report by the Arctic Stakeholder Forum calls to strengthen EU Investments in the northernmost region of the world.  The same report was passed on to Commissioner Karmenu Vella, responsible for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in the European Commission, by Finnish Ambassador for Northern Policies Harri Mäki-Reinikka in a meeting in Brussels.  The aim of such investment is to strengthen and improve infrastructure, transport connections, natural resources and sustainable development.