
Weather in Malta

18.3°C scattered clouds

scattered clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

18.3°C scattered clouds

scattered clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

85% of GM Registered Vessels Comply with ISPS Code

01 / 07 / 04

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Today sees the dawn of the International Ship and Port Facilities Security Code commonly known as the ISPS code.


GM INTERNATIONAL SERVICES LIMTIED is proud to announce that 85% of Maltese flagged vessels registered though their offices have been issued with an International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC). Although no official statistics have been issued by the Malta Maritime Authority, unofficial figures indicate that 85% of vessels registered under Malta flag are already in possession of the ship’s security plan while 74% of Maltese vessels are issued with an ISSC.


Meanwhile a surge in levels of compliance both by worldwide ships as well as international ports is being reported by IMO. Based on responses from governments representing 81% of the world’s gross tonnage, 41% of the eligible ships have been issued with an ISSC as at 25th June 2004. This compares favorably with the last figures and augers well to meet the required deadlines. An increase in the number of ship’s security plans issued was also registered. IMO also reported a sharp upturn in the number of ports complying with the code. Port security plans have been issued to 32% of the port facilities around the world.


Regretfully this figure is low and does not compare well with the percentage of ships complying. We hope that the burden of the code will not be carried out solely by ship-owners but also by the administrators of the ports. Port security provisions made by reporting governments can be viewed on the IMO website. But, no information is held by IMO on the 81 other governments to which the ISPS Code will apply.

85% of GM Registered Vessels Comply with ISPS Code

01 / 07 / 04

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Today sees the dawn of the International Ship and Port Facilities Security Code commonly known as the ISPS code.


GM INTERNATIONAL SERVICES LIMTIED is proud to announce that 85% of Maltese flagged vessels registered though their offices have been issued with an International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC). Although no official statistics have been issued by the Malta Maritime Authority, unofficial figures indicate that 85% of vessels registered under Malta flag are already in possession of the ship’s security plan while 74% of Maltese vessels are issued with an ISSC.


Meanwhile a surge in levels of compliance both by worldwide ships as well as international ports is being reported by IMO. Based on responses from governments representing 81% of the world’s gross tonnage, 41% of the eligible ships have been issued with an ISSC as at 25th June 2004. This compares favorably with the last figures and augers well to meet the required deadlines. An increase in the number of ship’s security plans issued was also registered. IMO also reported a sharp upturn in the number of ports complying with the code. Port security plans have been issued to 32% of the port facilities around the world.


Regretfully this figure is low and does not compare well with the percentage of ships complying. We hope that the burden of the code will not be carried out solely by ship-owners but also by the administrators of the ports. Port security provisions made by reporting governments can be viewed on the IMO website. But, no information is held by IMO on the 81 other governments to which the ISPS Code will apply.