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21.3°C clear sky

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Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

21.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Malta Flag Cleared from EU Blacklist

14 / 10 / 09

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The European Commission has published a list of ships banned from EU ports as required under the new European rules.


Malta has one of the largest shipping registries in the world therefore the fact that Maltese registered ships are not part of the list augers well for our country’s shipping register. The Malta flag has now been placed in medium risk together with Panama, India, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Iran and Libya.


Between 1st November 2003 and 31st August 2004 nineteen ships were banned from EU ports. Eight different states were also banned. Ships registered in Bolivia, Panama, Turkey, Belize, Cyprus, Romania, Syria and St. Vincent and the Grenadines were blacklisted with the latter being the flag having the highest risk ships on the EU list.


Pressure is to be kept to improve maritime safety and to ensure that the rules are applied by all member states.

Malta Flag Cleared from EU Blacklist

14 / 10 / 09

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The European Commission has published a list of ships banned from EU ports as required under the new European rules.


Malta has one of the largest shipping registries in the world therefore the fact that Maltese registered ships are not part of the list augers well for our country’s shipping register. The Malta flag has now been placed in medium risk together with Panama, India, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Iran and Libya.


Between 1st November 2003 and 31st August 2004 nineteen ships were banned from EU ports. Eight different states were also banned. Ships registered in Bolivia, Panama, Turkey, Belize, Cyprus, Romania, Syria and St. Vincent and the Grenadines were blacklisted with the latter being the flag having the highest risk ships on the EU list.


Pressure is to be kept to improve maritime safety and to ensure that the rules are applied by all member states.