
Weather in Malta

21.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

21.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Press Release by MMA

03 / 12 / 04

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The Malta Maritime Authority is closely monitoring an incident whereby a crew member aboard the Maltese registered refrigerated cargo vessel “Skulptors Tomskis” was found in possession of a pack containing substance presumed to be cocaine.


The incident happened in St Petersburg, Russia on Wednesday afternoon, while the vessel was unloading a cargo of bananas, when Baltic customs officials effected a search on a crew member holding Latvian identification documents as he was leaving the vessel and found the substance.  The crew member was arrested by customs authorities who eventually boarded the vessel and informed the Master of the situation.


A search on the vessel was also carried out with the full co-operation of the ship’s Master. This search yielded a number of other packets of the same substance.


The rest of the crew was not detained but were however instructed not to leave St. Petersburg. Investigations are still going on.


The Malta Maritime Authority has asked and received a full report of the situation from the ship’s Master and it continues to monitor the situation via its representatives in Russia.

Press Release by MMA

03 / 12 / 04

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The Malta Maritime Authority is closely monitoring an incident whereby a crew member aboard the Maltese registered refrigerated cargo vessel “Skulptors Tomskis” was found in possession of a pack containing substance presumed to be cocaine.


The incident happened in St Petersburg, Russia on Wednesday afternoon, while the vessel was unloading a cargo of bananas, when Baltic customs officials effected a search on a crew member holding Latvian identification documents as he was leaving the vessel and found the substance.  The crew member was arrested by customs authorities who eventually boarded the vessel and informed the Master of the situation.


A search on the vessel was also carried out with the full co-operation of the ship’s Master. This search yielded a number of other packets of the same substance.


The rest of the crew was not detained but were however instructed not to leave St. Petersburg. Investigations are still going on.


The Malta Maritime Authority has asked and received a full report of the situation from the ship’s Master and it continues to monitor the situation via its representatives in Russia.