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Ship Registration

Bare Boat Charter- in Registration ?



根据商船法第84A条(1) 款: 

  • “ 双重船籍” 指由部长认可的船舶的外国船籍,是符合本法令的第84B条的双重船籍; 
  •  “ 基本船籍” 指船籍为船东注册的所在国,其权限和控制在光船租赁登记到期后恢复. 

根据商船法第84C条(1)( c) 款,以光船承租人的名义登记的船舶,不能有其他的光船租赁船藉.


1. 该基本船籍是双重船籍.

2. 按照规定,当地主管部门不能办理船龄25年及以上的船舶的登记。而且,如果要登记的船舶船龄超过20年,那么,必须符合马耳他法规关于属于马耳他公司的船的登记规定,才可登记.  (点击此处看详细说明)



  • 海轮适航性能证明:- 

This is done by means of a fax message from the vessel’s classification society direct to the Merchant Shipping Directorate (formerly Malta Maritime Authority) on email address mershipmalta.tm@transport.gov.mt with a copy to us on maritimeservices@gmint.com. The class should confirm:- 

  • 船舶级别和入级标志;
  • 船舶为双体船(适用于新建油轮);
  • 船舶法定证书及相应有效日期清单;
  • 由前船旗国或代表前船旗国的认可组织批准/接受的提议、豁免、同等、供选或其他任何异议的要求清单;及
  • 正在准备进行船舶检验/审核/验证及马耳他的适用法定证书的颁发.


  • 美国船级社(ABS)
  • 法国船级社(BV)
  • 中国船级社(CCS)
  • 日本海事协会(NK)
  • 挪威船级社 (DNV)
  • 德国劳氏船级社(GL)
  • 韩国船级社(KR)
  • 劳氏船级社(LR)
  • 波兰船舶登记局(PRS)
  • 意大利船级社(RINA)
  • 俄罗斯船舶登记局(RS)
  • IOPP证书:

若为油船, 需提供IOPP证书复印件一份,并注明船体为双层还是单层。若为单体船,需按照欧盟条例规定船舶种类和有效期.

  • 由新营运者签署致马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)的声明,确认船上不载有卤化物.
  • 代理委托书


  • 许可文书


a.  基本船籍的主管机关还须证明,在光船租赁登记期内,该船艇将不得悬挂其本国国旗.

b.  船东. 

c.  任何登记的承受抵押人.


  • 所有权和债权证明

近期的所有权证书和债务证书(即副本或基本船籍摘录) ,并且须包括该船的(详细) 描述说明. 

  • 光船承租协议




  • 现有防止污染证书复印件
  • 债务:-

  • 吨位证书:- 


  • ISM规则:- 符合证明和ISM规则声明

a) 符合证明


b) ISM规则声明- SOLAS第IX章(ISM规则)  

根据SOLAS 公约第IX章第1.1.2条规定,(ISM规则) 须在马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)存档。盖章后,与 其他证书一起在船上保存。请完整填写申请,以便为所述声明进行必要安排.

  • 文书样本由此进入马耳他租船公司
  • 文书样本由此进入外籍租船公司
  • LRIT conformance test report duly issued by a recognised Authorised Testing Application Service Provider (testing ASPs). A list of the approved Testing ASPs is found in MSD Notice No.78.
  • DMLC application duly completed for the issuance of the DMLC Part I.
  • 无线电执照:-
  • 安全配员证书:- 
  • (民事责任公约) (CLC) 证书:
    证书只适用于油船。由保赔协会(P&I Club)核发并发给马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)的蓝卡,也要在发放CLC证书时提供.
  • 燃油公约证书:
    燃油公约证书是所有船只的义务。由保赔协会(P&I Club)核发并发给马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)的燃油卡,需要在核发燃油公约证书时提供.
  • 货船登记费
  • 具体登记说明:



在货船登记临时马耳他船籍前,马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)允许该船的船级社代表马耳他政府授予该船所有证书,以进行必要的检验。此外,为获得运营性临时船籍证,需提供非运营性临时船籍证和以下文件: -

1. 船舶所在的船级社确认代表马耳他政府核发的合法证书有效。若在登记前已收到有关确认,则不需提供.

2. 由马耳他政府核发、并注明新名号的期间安全管理证书复印件一份.

3. 若是油船,需提供一份蓝卡复印件以有来核发CLC证书.

4. 国际船舶安全证书复印件一份.

5. 新名字并代表马耳他政府的防止污染证书复印件一份.

6. A copy of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) certificate

为使马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)可继续核发马耳他政府CSR, 自登记马耳他临时船籍三个月内,请向我公司提供所有之 前的 持续纲要记录(CSR)和从前船籍国注销CSR的证明。同时需要将 CSR 表(2 和3) 一份填写完整并经船长盖章,随船保存直到马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)核发新的CSR .





1. Ship’s Carving and Marking Note (within one month). This is issued by the Merchant Shipping Directorate (formerly Malta Maritime Authority) upon provisional registration and should be endorsed by a recognised surveyor or a Maltese Consul.  If the net tonnage on the 1969 International Tonnage Certificate issued on behalf of the Maltese Government (item 3 below) is different from the net tonnage of the previous International Tonnage Certificate, then a new Ship’s Carving and Marking Note with correct NT is issued and required to be completed (within six months). 

2. 由马耳他政府部门核发的检验证书原件(6个月内) . 

3. 由马耳他政府部门核发的国际吨位证书(1969) 的复印件(6个月内) . 

4. 货船所属的船级社向马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)确认由马耳他政府颁发的货船的’s 合法证书 正确有效(在其颁布后) .

5. 除未在马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)存档外,有效的ISM 规则证明复印件(即符合证明文件、安全管理证书和国际船舶安全证书.

6. A valid copy of the Maritime Labour Certificate. 

7. 收回临时船籍证,颁发永久证书。按照程序,管理人员通过传真和电报,向马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)保证在永久船籍证颁发一个月内返还临时船籍证;从而,总有一份船籍证在船上保存。在收到永久船籍证后,需返还临时船籍证.




根据马耳他商船法第84条f (G) 款,承租船籍时间不得超过光船租赁期或当前船籍(若有) 终止日期两者中较短的日期,但任何情况下都不能超过2年.


  1. 增编租船合同协议
  2. 同意基本船籍注册
  3. 基本船籍注册正式文本
  4. 抵押权人的认可(如适用)

The following enhancements related to the procedure for the bareboat charter registration of a vessel under Part IIA of the Merchant Shipping Act and its renewal were introduced by the Merchant Shipping Directorate. The rationale behind these enhancements is to streamline the process of registration and the documentation required for the registration and its renewal, and to harmonize the expiry dates of (i) the Certificate of Malta Bareboat Charter Registry and (ii) the Radio License:

1. A bareboat charter agreement between the registered owner (in the underlying registry) and the bareboat charterer may be valid for more than 2 years.

2. The consent of the owners and the registered mortgagees may also include a provision for the charterer to apply for any further extensions in the future without the need to produce a specific consent every two years. Such consents may also include the consent for any changes in the name of the vessel requested by the bareboat charterer in the future. The owners and the mortgagees may also state that they reserve the right to withdraw their consent at any time and to inform the Administration accordingly.

3. If so requested, instead of being notarized, the signatures of the consents may be certified by a lawyer.

4. The certification of the signature of the notary/lawyer by Apostille may be replaced by a certification by a Maltese Consul.

5.Provided that the bareboat charter agreement cover the period, the Certificate of Malta Bareboat Charter Registry may be issued for a period of two years in accordance with the expiry date of the consent of the underlying registry. It is important to note however, that the annual fee shall be payable in accordance with the requirements of the Merchant Shipping Act, i.e., on an annual basis. Failure to pay the applicable annual fee may lead to the suspension of the Certificate of Malta Bareboat Charter Registry and to initiate the process of cancelling the vessel from the bareboat charter registry.

6. With regards to the Ship Station License, the bareboat charterers may opt to apply for a Radio Station Licence valid for a period of two years to coincide with the expiry date of the Certificate of Malta Bareboat Charter Registry.

Ship Registration

Bare Boat Charter- in Registration ?



根据商船法第84A条(1) 款: 

  • “ 双重船籍” 指由部长认可的船舶的外国船籍,是符合本法令的第84B条的双重船籍; 
  •  “ 基本船籍” 指船籍为船东注册的所在国,其权限和控制在光船租赁登记到期后恢复. 

根据商船法第84C条(1)( c) 款,以光船承租人的名义登记的船舶,不能有其他的光船租赁船藉.


1. 该基本船籍是双重船籍.

2. 按照规定,当地主管部门不能办理船龄25年及以上的船舶的登记。而且,如果要登记的船舶船龄超过20年,那么,必须符合马耳他法规关于属于马耳他公司的船的登记规定,才可登记.  (点击此处看详细说明)



  • 海轮适航性能证明:- 

This is done by means of a fax message from the vessel’s classification society direct to the Merchant Shipping Directorate (formerly Malta Maritime Authority) on email address mershipmalta.tm@transport.gov.mt with a copy to us on maritimeservices@gmint.com. The class should confirm:- 

  • 船舶级别和入级标志;
  • 船舶为双体船(适用于新建油轮);
  • 船舶法定证书及相应有效日期清单;
  • 由前船旗国或代表前船旗国的认可组织批准/接受的提议、豁免、同等、供选或其他任何异议的要求清单;及
  • 正在准备进行船舶检验/审核/验证及马耳他的适用法定证书的颁发.


  • 美国船级社(ABS)
  • 法国船级社(BV)
  • 中国船级社(CCS)
  • 日本海事协会(NK)
  • 挪威船级社 (DNV)
  • 德国劳氏船级社(GL)
  • 韩国船级社(KR)
  • 劳氏船级社(LR)
  • 波兰船舶登记局(PRS)
  • 意大利船级社(RINA)
  • 俄罗斯船舶登记局(RS)
  • IOPP证书:

若为油船, 需提供IOPP证书复印件一份,并注明船体为双层还是单层。若为单体船,需按照欧盟条例规定船舶种类和有效期.

  • 由新营运者签署致马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)的声明,确认船上不载有卤化物.
  • 代理委托书


  • 许可文书


a.  基本船籍的主管机关还须证明,在光船租赁登记期内,该船艇将不得悬挂其本国国旗.

b.  船东. 

c.  任何登记的承受抵押人.


  • 所有权和债权证明

近期的所有权证书和债务证书(即副本或基本船籍摘录) ,并且须包括该船的(详细) 描述说明. 

  • 光船承租协议




  • 现有防止污染证书复印件
  • 债务:-

  • 吨位证书:- 


  • ISM规则:- 符合证明和ISM规则声明

a) 符合证明


b) ISM规则声明- SOLAS第IX章(ISM规则)  

根据SOLAS 公约第IX章第1.1.2条规定,(ISM规则) 须在马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)存档。盖章后,与 其他证书一起在船上保存。请完整填写申请,以便为所述声明进行必要安排.

  • 文书样本由此进入马耳他租船公司
  • 文书样本由此进入外籍租船公司
  • LRIT conformance test report duly issued by a recognised Authorised Testing Application Service Provider (testing ASPs). A list of the approved Testing ASPs is found in MSD Notice No.78.
  • DMLC application duly completed for the issuance of the DMLC Part I.
  • 无线电执照:-
  • 安全配员证书:- 
  • (民事责任公约) (CLC) 证书:
    证书只适用于油船。由保赔协会(P&I Club)核发并发给马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)的蓝卡,也要在发放CLC证书时提供.
  • 燃油公约证书:
    燃油公约证书是所有船只的义务。由保赔协会(P&I Club)核发并发给马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)的燃油卡,需要在核发燃油公约证书时提供.
  • 货船登记费
  • 具体登记说明:



在货船登记临时马耳他船籍前,马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)允许该船的船级社代表马耳他政府授予该船所有证书,以进行必要的检验。此外,为获得运营性临时船籍证,需提供非运营性临时船籍证和以下文件: -

1. 船舶所在的船级社确认代表马耳他政府核发的合法证书有效。若在登记前已收到有关确认,则不需提供.

2. 由马耳他政府核发、并注明新名号的期间安全管理证书复印件一份.

3. 若是油船,需提供一份蓝卡复印件以有来核发CLC证书.

4. 国际船舶安全证书复印件一份.

5. 新名字并代表马耳他政府的防止污染证书复印件一份.

6. A copy of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) certificate

为使马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)可继续核发马耳他政府CSR, 自登记马耳他临时船籍三个月内,请向我公司提供所有之 前的 持续纲要记录(CSR)和从前船籍国注销CSR的证明。同时需要将 CSR 表(2 和3) 一份填写完整并经船长盖章,随船保存直到马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)核发新的CSR .





1. Ship’s Carving and Marking Note (within one month). This is issued by the Merchant Shipping Directorate (formerly Malta Maritime Authority) upon provisional registration and should be endorsed by a recognised surveyor or a Maltese Consul.  If the net tonnage on the 1969 International Tonnage Certificate issued on behalf of the Maltese Government (item 3 below) is different from the net tonnage of the previous International Tonnage Certificate, then a new Ship’s Carving and Marking Note with correct NT is issued and required to be completed (within six months). 

2. 由马耳他政府部门核发的检验证书原件(6个月内) . 

3. 由马耳他政府部门核发的国际吨位证书(1969) 的复印件(6个月内) . 

4. 货船所属的船级社向马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)确认由马耳他政府颁发的货船的’s 合法证书 正确有效(在其颁布后) .

5. 除未在马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)存档外,有效的ISM 规则证明复印件(即符合证明文件、安全管理证书和国际船舶安全证书.

6. A valid copy of the Maritime Labour Certificate. 

7. 收回临时船籍证,颁发永久证书。按照程序,管理人员通过传真和电报,向马耳他商船局(前马耳他海事局)保证在永久船籍证颁发一个月内返还临时船籍证;从而,总有一份船籍证在船上保存。在收到永久船籍证后,需返还临时船籍证.




根据马耳他商船法第84条f (G) 款,承租船籍时间不得超过光船租赁期或当前船籍(若有) 终止日期两者中较短的日期,但任何情况下都不能超过2年.


  1. 增编租船合同协议
  2. 同意基本船籍注册
  3. 基本船籍注册正式文本
  4. 抵押权人的认可(如适用)

The following enhancements related to the procedure for the bareboat charter registration of a vessel under Part IIA of the Merchant Shipping Act and its renewal were introduced by the Merchant Shipping Directorate. The rationale behind these enhancements is to streamline the process of registration and the documentation required for the registration and its renewal, and to harmonize the expiry dates of (i) the Certificate of Malta Bareboat Charter Registry and (ii) the Radio License:

1. A bareboat charter agreement between the registered owner (in the underlying registry) and the bareboat charterer may be valid for more than 2 years.

2. The consent of the owners and the registered mortgagees may also include a provision for the charterer to apply for any further extensions in the future without the need to produce a specific consent every two years. Such consents may also include the consent for any changes in the name of the vessel requested by the bareboat charterer in the future. The owners and the mortgagees may also state that they reserve the right to withdraw their consent at any time and to inform the Administration accordingly.

3. If so requested, instead of being notarized, the signatures of the consents may be certified by a lawyer.

4. The certification of the signature of the notary/lawyer by Apostille may be replaced by a certification by a Maltese Consul.

5.Provided that the bareboat charter agreement cover the period, the Certificate of Malta Bareboat Charter Registry may be issued for a period of two years in accordance with the expiry date of the consent of the underlying registry. It is important to note however, that the annual fee shall be payable in accordance with the requirements of the Merchant Shipping Act, i.e., on an annual basis. Failure to pay the applicable annual fee may lead to the suspension of the Certificate of Malta Bareboat Charter Registry and to initiate the process of cancelling the vessel from the bareboat charter registry.

6. With regards to the Ship Station License, the bareboat charterers may opt to apply for a Radio Station Licence valid for a period of two years to coincide with the expiry date of the Certificate of Malta Bareboat Charter Registry.