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23 / 10 / 18

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AMVER means Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System. This interconnected system is used during rescuing operations at sea.

Yesterday, the Chairman of GM International Services Limited, Mr John A. Gauci-Maistre K.M, attended the “Amver Awards”. This event is an opportunity to reward the vessels using actively the system and also to recognize the contribution of brave seafarers for their heroic rescues.

This event is a perfect way to remind all of us that safety is always the priority.


23 / 10 / 18

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AMVER means Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System. This interconnected system is used during rescuing operations at sea.

Yesterday, the Chairman of GM International Services Limited, Mr John A. Gauci-Maistre K.M, attended the “Amver Awards”. This event is an opportunity to reward the vessels using actively the system and also to recognize the contribution of brave seafarers for their heroic rescues.

This event is a perfect way to remind all of us that safety is always the priority.