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Day of the Seafarer

25 / 06 / 18

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Today, June 25, 2018 is the Day of the Seafarer, which is an annual and international event day coordinated by the International Maritime Organisation. This day is important in the maritime industry as it recognises the unique and vital role of seafarers in the global community.  The Day of the Seafarer was established in 2010 by a resolution adopted at a diplomatic conference in Manila. The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), wants to ensure an international standard of competency and welfare for seafarers, for their safety. The convention’s aim is to recognise the contribution by seafarers to society and economy globally.

The celebration of such day is important to encourage international public and official conversation about seafarers and seafaring, and the well-being of those involved in it.

Day of the Seafarer

25 / 06 / 18

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Today, June 25, 2018 is the Day of the Seafarer, which is an annual and international event day coordinated by the International Maritime Organisation. This day is important in the maritime industry as it recognises the unique and vital role of seafarers in the global community.  The Day of the Seafarer was established in 2010 by a resolution adopted at a diplomatic conference in Manila. The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), wants to ensure an international standard of competency and welfare for seafarers, for their safety. The convention’s aim is to recognise the contribution by seafarers to society and economy globally.

The celebration of such day is important to encourage international public and official conversation about seafarers and seafaring, and the well-being of those involved in it.