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DNV GL in Greece: Showcasing new tools and services

13 / 02 / 18

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In a Press Conference that took place recently at DNV GL’s Piraeus offices, Regional Manager, Mr Ioannis Chiotopoulos, and his management team presented DNV GL’s new and updated digital tools, demonstrating how the Classification Society was using these to achieve the best outcomes for its customers. With these new digital tools, DNV GL is working to ensure the efficiency and quality of its services, utilizing data-based analytics, and is addressing new risks related to complex systems and cyber security.

DNV GL in Greece: Showcasing new tools and services

13 / 02 / 18

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In a Press Conference that took place recently at DNV GL’s Piraeus offices, Regional Manager, Mr Ioannis Chiotopoulos, and his management team presented DNV GL’s new and updated digital tools, demonstrating how the Classification Society was using these to achieve the best outcomes for its customers. With these new digital tools, DNV GL is working to ensure the efficiency and quality of its services, utilizing data-based analytics, and is addressing new risks related to complex systems and cyber security.