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Maltese Flagged Vessel Evades Pirate Attack

29 / 09 / 10

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The MV Missisippi Star, a Maltese flagged chemical tanker evaded pirates earlier today. The 13,000 tonne vessel and its 18 man crew came under attack off the Tanzanian coast while sailing to Mombasa in Kenya. The vessel managed to fend off the attack as pirates fired rocket propelled grenades and automatic rifles at the vessel. No injuries were reported and an Italian frigate was dispatched to the scene to monitor the vessel. 

Maltese Flagged Vessel Evades Pirate Attack

29 / 09 / 10

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The MV Missisippi Star, a Maltese flagged chemical tanker evaded pirates earlier today. The 13,000 tonne vessel and its 18 man crew came under attack off the Tanzanian coast while sailing to Mombasa in Kenya. The vessel managed to fend off the attack as pirates fired rocket propelled grenades and automatic rifles at the vessel. No injuries were reported and an Italian frigate was dispatched to the scene to monitor the vessel.