
Weather in Malta

14.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

14.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Vento Di Levante Saved in Maltese Waters

09 / 03 / 07

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Yesterday afternoon, Vento di Levante, an Italian container vessel which is a regular visitor to Malta, was assisted by tugboat Paolina after suffering from engine problems in rough seas on her way to La Spezia from Libya.  The vessel which was scheduled to collect containers from the Malta Freeport, started drifting after its engine stopped.  Fortunately no one was injured in the incident.  The Vento di Levante was then towed into the Maltese Grand Harbour. 

Vento Di Levante Saved in Maltese Waters

09 / 03 / 07

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Yesterday afternoon, Vento di Levante, an Italian container vessel which is a regular visitor to Malta, was assisted by tugboat Paolina after suffering from engine problems in rough seas on her way to La Spezia from Libya.  The vessel which was scheduled to collect containers from the Malta Freeport, started drifting after its engine stopped.  Fortunately no one was injured in the incident.  The Vento di Levante was then towed into the Maltese Grand Harbour.