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19.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

19.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

MV Michalakis Thwarts a Pirate Attack

15 / 12 / 10

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A Maltese flagged vessel, MV Michalakis, has thwarted a hijack attempt off the Somali coast. The incident occurred at 02:15 UTC as the vessel was on her journey to Singapore with a cargo of fertilizer.  Rocket-propelled grenades were used in the attack, which fortunately resulted in no injuries being reported and the vessel was able to continue her journey. The 54,300-dwt handymax suffered only minor bullet-hole damage.

The 25 member crew sought refuge in the engine room from where the vessel could be controlled. Whilst it is still unclear how many skiffs were involved in this incident, some reports are citing that two skiffs were involved whilst the owners, Sea Trans are claiming that three skiffs were actually involved. 

MV Michalakis Thwarts a Pirate Attack

15 / 12 / 10

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A Maltese flagged vessel, MV Michalakis, has thwarted a hijack attempt off the Somali coast. The incident occurred at 02:15 UTC as the vessel was on her journey to Singapore with a cargo of fertilizer.  Rocket-propelled grenades were used in the attack, which fortunately resulted in no injuries being reported and the vessel was able to continue her journey. The 54,300-dwt handymax suffered only minor bullet-hole damage.

The 25 member crew sought refuge in the engine room from where the vessel could be controlled. Whilst it is still unclear how many skiffs were involved in this incident, some reports are citing that two skiffs were involved whilst the owners, Sea Trans are claiming that three skiffs were actually involved.