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" Serving the world...

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Weather in Malta

22.3°C clear sky

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" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Libyan Ports blacklisted by the EU

09 / 06 / 11

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The Libyan ports of Tripoli, Zawiyah, Zuara, Al Khoms, Ras Lanuf and the oil terminal of Brega, which are still under the control of Col. Muammar Gaddhafi, have been blacklisted by the EU following an agreement between the EU 27 member states. This move is aimed at increasing the pressure on the regime by preventing it to export oil and import finished products such as fuel. 

Libyan Ports blacklisted by the EU

09 / 06 / 11

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The Libyan ports of Tripoli, Zawiyah, Zuara, Al Khoms, Ras Lanuf and the oil terminal of Brega, which are still under the control of Col. Muammar Gaddhafi, have been blacklisted by the EU following an agreement between the EU 27 member states. This move is aimed at increasing the pressure on the regime by preventing it to export oil and import finished products such as fuel.