
Weather in Malta

15.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

15.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Seabin project – Making it fashionable to look after the marine environment

29 / 10 / 18

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A new venture is set to revolutionise local seas and restore them to their former glory. Seabins can collect up to a kilo and a half of trash daily. These bins are programmed to collect anything from plastic to cigarette butts and even oil floating on the water's surface. This contraption works by sucking up water and anything in it from the surface and sifting it all out. It works thanks to a submersible water pump which filters the water, leaving you with a litter bag you can dispose of like a responsible adult.

The Seabin is an excellent invention for cleaning the ocean and collecting every type of waste. Nowadays, this crowdfunded project is well-known worldwide and is present in more than 70 countries. Malta has just installed its second Seabin in Senglea after the first successful installation at Sa Maison, with intention to install many more in various marinas across the country. A simple solution to our oceans pollution.

Seabin project – Making it fashionable to look after the marine environment

29 / 10 / 18

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A new venture is set to revolutionise local seas and restore them to their former glory. Seabins can collect up to a kilo and a half of trash daily. These bins are programmed to collect anything from plastic to cigarette butts and even oil floating on the water's surface. This contraption works by sucking up water and anything in it from the surface and sifting it all out. It works thanks to a submersible water pump which filters the water, leaving you with a litter bag you can dispose of like a responsible adult.

The Seabin is an excellent invention for cleaning the ocean and collecting every type of waste. Nowadays, this crowdfunded project is well-known worldwide and is present in more than 70 countries. Malta has just installed its second Seabin in Senglea after the first successful installation at Sa Maison, with intention to install many more in various marinas across the country. A simple solution to our oceans pollution.