
Weather in Malta

16.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

16.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Malta ship registry remains the largest in the EU and the 6th largest globally

26 / 09 / 17

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According to the latest official statistics, Malta flag continued growing reaching more than 8,000 ships up to the end of August of this year and remains the largest maritime registry in EU and the sixth largest worldwide.

The Malta’s ship registry grew by 63% since 2012 and now boasts a total 74 million gross tonnage registered under Malta’s flag.

Grown was also seen in the registration of commercial yachts with a record of 97% increase in the number of new registrations.

Such statistics were announced by Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Dr. Ian Borg, while addressing a news conference at the Lower Barrakka Gardens to mark World Maritime Day, which will be celebrated next Thursday.

Malta ship registry remains the largest in the EU and the 6th largest globally

26 / 09 / 17

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According to the latest official statistics, Malta flag continued growing reaching more than 8,000 ships up to the end of August of this year and remains the largest maritime registry in EU and the sixth largest worldwide.

The Malta’s ship registry grew by 63% since 2012 and now boasts a total 74 million gross tonnage registered under Malta’s flag.

Grown was also seen in the registration of commercial yachts with a record of 97% increase in the number of new registrations.

Such statistics were announced by Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Dr. Ian Borg, while addressing a news conference at the Lower Barrakka Gardens to mark World Maritime Day, which will be celebrated next Thursday.