
Weather in Malta

15.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

15.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Vessel Sinks in Heavy Weather off Malta

04 / 02 / 05

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The Armed Forces of Malta Rescue Coordination Centre received a distress call from a 1968 year built Honduras flagged vessel “Vigla” on Wednesday 2nd February at 2300 Hrs. At the time of the distress the ship’s position was 210 n-miles west of the Peloponnese in southern Greece and approximately 140 nautical miles to the east of Malta. It was reported that the wind was gusting at force 8 at the time and weather conditions were very bad. It is understood that the vessel had a number of serious detentions and at this stage the exact cause of the foundering is unclear.  On receiving the distress call, the Centre, through Malta Radio, immediately informed all ships in the area and four ships responded to the distress signal.  Although no trace of the general cargo ship was found, the bodies of four men were recovered and a search for the missing three crew members is set to continue today after it was suspended last night.

Vessel Sinks in Heavy Weather off Malta

04 / 02 / 05

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The Armed Forces of Malta Rescue Coordination Centre received a distress call from a 1968 year built Honduras flagged vessel “Vigla” on Wednesday 2nd February at 2300 Hrs. At the time of the distress the ship’s position was 210 n-miles west of the Peloponnese in southern Greece and approximately 140 nautical miles to the east of Malta. It was reported that the wind was gusting at force 8 at the time and weather conditions were very bad. It is understood that the vessel had a number of serious detentions and at this stage the exact cause of the foundering is unclear.  On receiving the distress call, the Centre, through Malta Radio, immediately informed all ships in the area and four ships responded to the distress signal.  Although no trace of the general cargo ship was found, the bodies of four men were recovered and a search for the missing three crew members is set to continue today after it was suspended last night.