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20.3°C few clouds

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New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

20.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Maltese MEP Defends Shipping Sector from New EU Law

02 / 02 / 05

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The Maltese Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Simon Busuttil defended the European shipping sector from the proposed over-zealous EU law on shipping by saying that rendering accidental sea pollution as criminal goes too far.


While addressing the plenary session of the European Parliament which was debating the new law on applying sanctions for infringement in cases of sea pollution caused by shipping source, Mr Busuttil argued that while he fully supported the need to combat ship source pollution, one had to be careful on how to do this.


The Maltese MEP said that this approach went beyond current international conventions (the MARPOL Convention) and placed shipping in the EU at a disadvantage when compared to other registers outside the EU.  Whilst agreeing that ship pollution should be regulated, he emphasised that in order to attain our goals a practical approach is required.


Malta, Greece and Cyprus had managed to soften the impact of the new law following a compromise agreement at the end of last year.

Maltese MEP Defends Shipping Sector from New EU Law

02 / 02 / 05

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The Maltese Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Simon Busuttil defended the European shipping sector from the proposed over-zealous EU law on shipping by saying that rendering accidental sea pollution as criminal goes too far.


While addressing the plenary session of the European Parliament which was debating the new law on applying sanctions for infringement in cases of sea pollution caused by shipping source, Mr Busuttil argued that while he fully supported the need to combat ship source pollution, one had to be careful on how to do this.


The Maltese MEP said that this approach went beyond current international conventions (the MARPOL Convention) and placed shipping in the EU at a disadvantage when compared to other registers outside the EU.  Whilst agreeing that ship pollution should be regulated, he emphasised that in order to attain our goals a practical approach is required.


Malta, Greece and Cyprus had managed to soften the impact of the new law following a compromise agreement at the end of last year.