
Weather in Malta

22.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

22.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Tanker Runs Aground - further news

10 / 10 / 06

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In the early hours of today a local supply tanker named “Golden Bay” ran aground against a reef called ‘Siberia’ a few miles away from the south-Maltese coast, Wied il-Ghajn.  It is understood that ‘Siberia” is the same place where in the early sixties the tanker ‘Angel Gabriel’ also ran aground.  Mainly the vessel is used for chemical transportation but during the accident, M/V Golden Bay was in ballast; consequently there was no danger for the environment.

One of the local shipyards is trying to tow the vessel but the current bad weather conditions is hindering the course of action.


Tanker Runs Aground - further news

10 / 10 / 06

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In the early hours of today a local supply tanker named “Golden Bay” ran aground against a reef called ‘Siberia’ a few miles away from the south-Maltese coast, Wied il-Ghajn.  It is understood that ‘Siberia” is the same place where in the early sixties the tanker ‘Angel Gabriel’ also ran aground.  Mainly the vessel is used for chemical transportation but during the accident, M/V Golden Bay was in ballast; consequently there was no danger for the environment.

One of the local shipyards is trying to tow the vessel but the current bad weather conditions is hindering the course of action.