
Weather in Malta

18.3°C scattered clouds

scattered clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

18.3°C scattered clouds

scattered clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

More than 50,000 e-certificates issued by DNV GL

21 / 02 / 18

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DNV GL has issued around 50,000 electronic certificates since its launch from mid-October 2017.  There are approximately 6000 classed vessels trading with such certificates.  The electronic certificates exemplify around 80% of the certificates being issued by DNV GL. Presently, there are 52 flags that accept these certificates, with the intention of more acceptances in the coming year.  These electronic certificates can be accessed and seen on the customer’s portal from anywhere, immediately after an on-board survey is carried out and completed.

More than 50,000 e-certificates issued by DNV GL

21 / 02 / 18

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DNV GL has issued around 50,000 electronic certificates since its launch from mid-October 2017.  There are approximately 6000 classed vessels trading with such certificates.  The electronic certificates exemplify around 80% of the certificates being issued by DNV GL. Presently, there are 52 flags that accept these certificates, with the intention of more acceptances in the coming year.  These electronic certificates can be accessed and seen on the customer’s portal from anywhere, immediately after an on-board survey is carried out and completed.